How to use iWinch
The most important advice is: iWinch is never better than your electric screwdriver. Always choose a quality product that will match your expectations. You will always benefit owning a quality screwdriver both onboard and at home. Compared with an electric winch, this is still a relatively low cost.

How do I handle the machine? Start at low speed to increase the speed when you feel the resistance. When using low / intermediate loads it is possible to steer the machine with one hand. However, if higher load occurs, you should relieve your hand that controls the speed of the machine by crossing the arms (see figure) and hold the battery part. A technique that works very well as you completely relieve your wrist.
Some machines also have a relief arm mounted on the machine which is good to use. Avoid kick-back from the machine.
Do not overload iWinch to avoid a so called kick-back from the machine. This to make sure you don't injure your self, your electrical screwdriver or the iWinch-bit.
Many screwdrivers have multiple gears, learn which gear works the best and in what mode. Your winch will also have different gear, learn which direction works the best.
Do not use a low quality electric screwdriver as it may be overloaded. Our advice is that you try the machine you have and if it is not efficient enough, upgrade to a stronger quality brushless machine around 95 Nm. Brushless machines are more efficient because of no friction losses which will increases battery life, cools better and increases the life of the machine.
If possible buy a machine with preferably 2x5 Ah. Also use a converter for charging onboard the boat. However, modern lithium batteries last long before charging is needed. If you want to use iWinch on a sail race, it's a great way to handle the sails faster and more efficiently.
iWinch has to be mounted against the chuck.

Start on a low speed to increase when you get drag mode. Please use the torque ring if you are unsure of how much power is needed.

The iWinch together with the screwdriver balances perfectly in the winch. There is no risk that it will fall off during normal sailing.
iWinch is never better than your screwdriver. Use a screwdriver with quality. You will always benefit from it in other respects onboard and at home.

Always make sure your screwdriver is at your fingertips. It is the best help on many occasions and you will be able to get it in a few seconds.
A standard winch handle compartment is ideal for storage.
1 year warranty